
恐怖  西班牙  2022 

主演:Veki Velilla Iván Pellice 

导演:Carlos Alonso Ojea 



After being complicit in a costume joke that ends in a fatal accident and a pact of silence, a group of young people will be threatened by an anonymous writer who wants to reveal his dark secret. Their stalker threatens to post a bloody horror novel based on them on social media. Each chapter one of them will die. While distrusting each other, the group will begin a fight for s...【犯罪读者俱乐部在线播放资源由青柠影院于2023年10月12日 17:32:41收集于网络。】

热播: 人世间假日暖洋洋2梦魇绝镇王牌对王牌第七季尚食天下人家长津湖航海王:狂热行动扬名立万


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